Wednesday 5 October 2011

Philips Streamium MCi500H/05 Dead / Faulty PSU

This Philips Straemium MCi500H was dead, no power.

NOTE !: as the messages have got quite long on this post, there is a 'Load more....' at the bottom that isnt very clear, if you cannot see your post / my reply make sure to hit this button !

Update 2019:

I am still repairing these, I would say ebay is the best way to contact me if you require a repair.

USB Repair:

I can now repair USB input problems as well, if you can no longer read from USB stick I can repair this if you remove and send me the main board.

Update: Repair service

Although I did not set up the blog post with a view to offering a repair service, there has been a lot of interest from people to get these repaired. I have successfully repaired many units, people seem to really like these and not want to throw them away.

So if you would like me to repair your Streamium MCi500H or WAC7500 please feel free to get in touch.

Update: 2018

I have continued to have good success repairing these and from other models, I have done them for people all over Europe ! The same supply is used in the WAC7500, MCi8080, MCi800, Mci900. Had quite a few now with significant failures on the switching circuit, probably switching MOSFET failure which then takes out multiple components.

So please get in touch if you would like yours repaired.

I also have a listing on eBay as another way of getting in touch. Just search on 'streamium repair'

Sound problems:

The amplifier boards in these systems are quite prone to issues too and I have repaired many of these also. If you have no sound, sound from one side, crackling from the speakers then I can repair this as well.

It was disassembled and the power supply fuse (PCB solder mount, 4A, circled in pcb pic) had blown.

The PSU was a kingwall ps131 300 e0, good old 12nc 3141 078 50341

Further fault finding showed the following components dead.

FET on heatsink
high power resistor
bridge rectifier

All circled in this pic

no sign of any bad capacitors.

All the discretes were tested on diode check. The PWM IC was identified faulty by measuring across its rails, it was dead short.

Components changed and all running well again.

I couldnt find much on this PSU and no way to buy a repalcement, so was good to fix the original.


  1. Great work! Can you help me? I have the MCI300/12 with a Kingwall PS131-300-D0 power supply. It is the same like you have but without some power connectors.
    My problem is after a power failure the led of the power button only flash. After i have disassebled the radio i found out, that the problem is the 9V ECO voltage. When i playing a litte bit with a capacitor i get the radio to run. Can you help me where could be the problem?

    1. Hi Lowfinger,
      I have a similar problem with my MCi500H/12 and the Kingwall PS131-300-E0 power supply.
      Is it possible to repair the unit?
      How can I contact you? I didn't find the button. I'm not familiar to use blogs ;-) .
      Kindly regards
      Andreas Skoruppa from Germany

  2. Hey,

    It's the same power bloc for the MCI500/12, but the two primary electrochimic capacitor are 200 Volts and is it compatible with the french power (220v / 240 v 50hz) ?

    Thank's and regards

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Firstly, Thanks for your advices
      I've had very similar problem with my MCi500H.
      Initially, the screen blinked in black and white and when I turned off and turn on power, the LED of switching on power has started blinking.
      I've checked my components:
      FET on heatsink - fault, but not exactly the same - close a diode which you circled on pic)
      PWM IC - I don't how can I check is it OK, or not.
      diode - OK
      high power resistor - damage, but I can't read the resistatnce of resistror -
      bridge rectifier - OK

      However, before damage the resistor and FET i checked the voltage. I've got 5,2V, 12V, but 30V and 9V were not avaible on the output of supply module.

      Have you detail service manual of supply part. I've found Service Manual for MCI500H, but supply module is decribed quite generally.


    3. Hi Lowfinger,

      Having similar issues as yours. Dead unit, dead power supply and as you can see I have the IC right to yours that did explode.
      Could you please tell me what the ref is of this IC ? There isn't to much left to tell.

    4. Hello, no problem, IC 101 is a TL384SP, it is the same as IC100 next to it. There is a very good chance that the FET it switches is short for it to end up looking like that.

      Hope that helps.

    5. Hi,
      Thanks for the tip. I'll order the components and hope I can fix it.

    6. Hi,
      Still strugling to make this power supply work.
      I suspect it is because of ZD004 which shows up as shorted. Do you know what it's zener voltage is ?

    7. Hi, ZD004 is for the DC supply to the ICE3B0565. Data sheet shows supply range of 8.5v to 21v. Their dev board for this chip uses an 18v one so that would be a good choice or a close value if you don't have the exact one.

      If this diode is short the ICE3B0565 could also be dead, this chip generates the 9v eco rail.

      Hope that helps.

    8. ... I just found some old notes from measuring on a working supply. The voltage is 17.7v.

    9. Hi,
      Great update, I'll try a 18V zener see what I can get out of it.

    10. Hi Lowfinger,

      Bad news, the new components didn't do the job, I guess some other parts are dead either.
      Thanks for your help anyway.

  3. Dear Lowfinger (or any other blogger), would you be willing to repair my Streamium 500H/12? I have exactly the some components burned as you. No technician in Paris is willing to repair it, and I dont have the expertise to repair it myself. It is just such a waste to throw the thing away.

    Kind regards and many thanks,

    Paris, France

  4. How badly do you want this fixed ! ? If you are prepared to post the PSU to England (and pay for return post) (and risk it may still not work) I would have a look !

  5. Dear Lowfinger, I would be very grateful if you could have a look! Of course I would be willing to ship the PSU to England and pay for the return post. Would it be possible to send me your address? It is probably best if you send it to s a n d e r z b o r a y AT y a h o o . c o m.

    Kind regards and many thanks,


  6. Hi

    I have a MCi500H/12 and the left speaker doesn't work. From googling, I suspect one of the capacitors has blown.

    Now, after a power cut, my power light flashes on/off but i cannot get it to boot up. From reading your blog, I suspect that more parts of the board may have blown.

    I note you are in England and I was wondering whether you would be happy to look at my Streamium and tell me if it can be repaired and if so to quote for such repairs. As you can guess, it's outside of warranty and I don't really want to pay Phillips' repair costs when there is no warranty to protect

    1. Hi, Im sure I could take a look. Let me know your email address and I will get in touch.

  7. Thank you very much. My email address is angelica (dot) morrison (at) tiscali (dot) co (dot) uk

    Thanks once again

  8. Hi there - my mci500h is also suffering from the flashing screen issue. The hard disk powers up but nothing is working. It happened after a mains power reduction. The streamium looked ok but I unplugged it to be on the safe side, or so I thought. The screen was flashing when I switched it back on. I notice sell a "repair kit" for the power supply which is all capacitors. Is the flashing screen problem capacitor-related? I would imagine it is as the from what I can remember capacitors smooth the output voltage, but I don't want to waste money if it's not. What do you think? Any help gratefully received! Cheers.

  9. Hi, I have repaired four of these now (including Sanders and Schmunkee's above) with various power related faults. Non have been caused by failed capacitors but you can never rule it out. Your PCB fuse has not gone so the fault should not be too serious.

  10. Thanks for your response lowfinger. If you're anywhere near me do you fancy having a look at another one? My email is
    It seems such a waste to bin it when there's lrobably not much wrong with it.

  11. Hi Lowfinger i have the same problem as everyone else flashing power button with no power to unit any chance you could dhave a look at mine? it would be much appricated email address

  12. Hi, could you let me know how much this costs to repair as from reading the above, it sounds exactly what is wrong with mine.. the on button just blinking and the screen dead although it sometimes flashes but ive unplugged it for good lately

  13. Hi I have the same problem, unit stripped down, are you still repairing these units as I don't want to throw it away. Could you let me know thaks

  14. Hi, my power button is also blinking red. Can you please help me to repair it?

    1. Hi, I can take a look at it. Could you let me know you email address.

    2. cyberzeke [ at ] gmail [dot] com

    3. Hi Lowfinger, did you send me an email? I haven't got any yet, but you can also try this mailadress:


    4. Hi Lowfinger - Just wondering if you are still offering the repair service? My MCi500H is showing the same symptoms (flashing red power light & won't boot up) since a recent power cut. I don't want the throw it away either! I would be confident about opening it up / removing major components if I had some instructions. Not too confident on testing the electronic components though so I think I need expert help. My email address is fergus flaherty AT gmail DOT com.

      Thanks in advance!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi, I have the MCI500H/12. I plugged it to move it and when I plugged it back in the power button turns green and on the screen the Philips logo would come up but it would stay on that. Eventually the screen would flash black and the power button red and then again the power button turns green and the Philips logo comes up and it keeps doing this and over. When I called Philips suggested repair centre they said it's a power problem and wanted a lot of money to repair, more than half for what I paid for it.

  17. Can you get in touch please on
    I have the mci500 streamium with red blinking power light after I had a loose mains wire flicking power in and out on my house. Can you advise cost and where you please. Many thanks

  18. Hi Lowfinger, Same thing again.....I have one with power on, fan spinning and a dead screen etc. Wanted to see what you could do with it. Sounds very similar to the other problems you have fixed.

  19. Similar problem to others, blank screen after power outage followed by expensive repair quote from Philips. Do you still repair these yourself? Email, thanks.

  20. Hi Lowfinger. MCI500H is suddenly only showing a white display. The other units, WAS7500 still can play the music that is on the harddrive. MCI500H has no longer a visible display to choose from. All white, no logo during startup. A technical unit Philips is referring to has no spare parts they say. What to do? Robert/Sweden . Email

  21. Can somebody tell me the value of R004 and R005?
    I only get a ICE3B0565J. Can i use this one or must it a ICE3b0565?

  22. Hi Lowfinger. My MCI500H is dead and only the power led is flashing when power plugged in. On the PSU board, I noticed some burn marks around the small copper radiator on the bottom right. Please get in touch. Email:

    1. Hello, everyone (and Lowfinger)

      I have exactly the same problem as you, Nicolas. The component seems to be the famous ICE3B0565 Lowfinger is talking about on august the 30th (see above).

      Mine burnt and made the c008 capacitor explode too. Can someone tell me what is the value written on it, as I can't find it anywhere ?

      Thank you for you help, and best regards,


  23. Hello,

    Finally received the ICE3B0565, but still miss the value of the C008 capacitor.

    Could someone help me, please ? My 3 year old son has all his music on the station, and need to repair it soon to avoid a drama ;-).

    Thank you


    1. Many thanks, Lowfinger. You're really Nice.

      Just ordered some of them and will confirm you if I successfully saved the PSU.

      Best regards. Vincent.

    2. Hi Vincent, your welcome, great to hear you got it back up and running.

  24. Hi, I'm having the same problem as a few people above,flashing white screen and that's all.. I have my whole CD collection stored on the units hard drive and don't want to lose it..also the USB port on the top won't recognize when a key is inserted for the past few months....I would really appreciate it if you could take a look at mine for me as I dont want to get rid.
    best regards Kevin

    1. Hello Kevin, I can take a look no problem, let me know your email or drop me a line through google+

  25. I'm having trouble posting, sorry if this appears twice.

    Can you take a look at mine also?



  26. My 500h has just started with the flashing red led. Could you have a look at it for me please?
    Many thanks Richard (email

  27. My 500h has jthe flashing power button sympton following a powercut.
    Any chance you could get in touch to discuss a possible repair? Thanks Kev
    kjs4066 (at) gmail (dot) com

  28. Hey together
    After repair the PSU the MCi500 does not boot up.
    The Screen shows only philips.
    The Power Button is green. No Flashing!!
    The 3V,5V,12eco,12V and 30V lines are ok.
    Can it be a Fault on the Harddisk?On Linux i have only access to Partition 4-6.
    Has anyone a image from the first and second Partition of the HDD??
    Greatings from Switzerland!
    Thanks a lot.
    Chis (

  29. Hi, i have the same problem dead unit.Are these worth getting repaired cost wise ?

  30. Hi lowfinger no power issue but mine has been updated with the wrong firmware and is stuck in a boot up loop any suggestion on how to fix this ?

    1. If the problem is limited to the contents of your HDD, i.e. not in any flash memory of the main unit then restoring the HDD from a good drive may bring it back to life.

      Let me know your email address if you are interested in giving that a try.

  31. Hi thanks for coming back to me, my email is

  32. Hi folks, when my MCi500h died I bought a S/H unit, without speakers, for spare parts, before attempting any repairs.
    My original unit started hissing from the RH speaker and I found it was pushing the speaker cone out about 5mm when switched on, although there was still some sound coming from the speaker presumably because the other half of one amp was still working but DC biased.
    I changed the amp IC which made no difference.
    I had two swelled capacitors, 1000uF and 470uF, in the part of the PSU that appears to power the amps directly with a ribbon cable which connects behind the amp heat sink. Replacing the caps hasn't cured the problem, but I haven't given up yet.
    Replacing the PSU has solved the problem, so now I want to repair the old PSU.
    If anyone knows what the PSU voltages and connector pin numbers to check are I'd be very grateful.

    In return I have a spare hard disk which has the correct structure and format from the spare unit I bought, so I could image the disk partitions and structure for anyone who needs to build a new hard disk, as I use Linux. If your MCi500h hangs at the boot screen it's possible that the HD or CD drive is faulty, as this is one of the things I noticed when I was building my working machine, if the HD or CD aren't powered or on the data bus the unit doesn't boot fully.

    Hope this might help someone, as I think that a working hard disk image would be very useful, and that someone can assist me to repair my old machine's PSU.

    Great blog Lowfinger, I might be asking you to repair my PSU if I can't fix it myself. ;) :D

    1. Hi Kim, good additional info there, I fixed one with a dead CD drive, as you say it just sits on the Philips screen, a donor drive and all was good.

      The excellent site Elektrotanya has the service manual for free download but annoyingly this does not include the actual PSU (subcontracted out) it will give you all the pin outs you need though, the amp has dual +30v supplies, maybe one of these is missing ?. If you ever wanted me to take a look at the PSU just drop me your email address.

    2. Hi Kim,
      I have an MCI500 with what appears to be a faulty hard drive, I removed it from my system when it looked like the psu was beyond repair and copied off the mp3s on a windows system with an EXTfs driver. Having, somewhat unexpectedly managed to get the psu working I have reinstalled the hard drive and cdrom, but the system now hangs on 'system starting, please wait'. Is there any chance of getting hold of the image data on your spare hard disk.
      I do have some expertise in fixing the psu on these units, so some form of trade might be feasible.
      Many thanks

    3. Hi Ralph, I'll have another look at the disc, it has a huge amount of heavy/death metal on it that came with my second hand machine, so I'll have to have a a look at it to see if there's anything worth saving, so that I can give you a clean image. I suspect that the best way is to do a factory reset before imaging. There are two partitions that even gparted doesn't recognise at the beginning of the disk, so I hope that these can be imaged or that the machine firmware initialises them. Whereabouts are you, maybe I could try to image a clean disk for you and send it by post if you're in the UK. Bear in mind Xmas is nearly here though ;) Missus will be keeping me busy :D
      If this works, maybe Lowfinger would like to keep a copy too, to pass on to others with a dead HDD?

    4. Here's some gparted screenshots of the MCi500h partitions
      Next job is to
      a: find out what's in them
      b: Image or clone
      The MCi500h firmware can be downloaded from Philips site, I wonder whether the BIOS in the machine will boot it from a CD in the drive to create a new HDD image?

  33. I found the service manual, thanks.

    What a shame that the part that everyone needs is missing :(

    I hate trying to draw out double sided board circuits. :o

    I did find a hand drawing of the eco 9V cct, if any use to anyone I'll post a link.

    Do you know the pin nos for the 30V supplies, I presume they come from the smaller header at the top of your photo that goes into the amp board adjacent to the amp ICs?

    It'd be good to have some dialogue about this machine :)

    My email is

    Mynameasabove954 at gee male dot youknowwhat :D

    1. Hi Kim,

      could you please post the link to the "hand drawing of the eco 9V cct" as I'm also trying to fix my PSU.


    2. Sorry Jochen, I didn't realise that answers appear out of date order, I've been looking for replies at the end of the blog :o

  34. Hi,
    I have Philips MCI300/12 Streamium Wireless Music Station (Mini Hi-Fi) that repeatedly loses sound on one of the speakers. I have swapped the speakers over and the MCI300 problem seems to be just on the Right hand channel. I suspect a dry speaker joint. Has anyone else has a similar problem and how do I get it fixed?

    1. Sorry - Forgot to say. Please notify me by email if you can help (chrisdhorner at g male dot c o m

    2. Chris, I don't know how similar the 500 and 300 are, but the 500 has separate power supplies for right and left amps, so it's possible that one of them is dying, or a bad connection in the power supply plugs, or even a problem with the headphone socket or RH amp.
      The PSUs in these units are (IMHO) a horrible weakness, the electrolytic capacitors are very poor quality, pity Philips didn't specify them better from the supplier. :(

  35. Hi Lowfinger,
    Good news - my old PSU appears to be working, 30V at pins 1&5, looks nice and smooth on the scope.
    The unit boots up and runs, all the functions appear to be working (haven't checked the USB port, which wasn't working when I bought this unit) and I get sound from both channels, into a pair of old but matched car speakers.

    Works perfect into headphones too.

    Bad news - as before - on start up there's some crackling from the speakers, and a high pitched background (like switch mode noise) hiss from the RH channel (which was the one that had the problem before) so it looks like the Amp from my old unit was the problem all along (though I had some blown electrolytic caps which probably caused the fault in the first place, after I powered down to go on holiday)
    There's approx 0.3V DC bias on the RH channel output whenever the amps are powered, and HF superimposed on the audio which is reducing the volume from the RH channel about 30%

    The amp card from my newer unit works fine in the new unit with my old power supply.

    I'm looking at the amp card, but a combination of SMD and 60 year old eyes doesn't look good :(

    If I can't find it, do you fancy a go at repairing the card if I send the whole machine? ;)

  36. Hi Lowfinger,
    I have this same problem as few people on this blog.
    I few weeks ago we had a power cut in our house and my mci500/12h never come back on:(
    At the beginning the screen and a red power light were flashing... Now only red light is flashing and unit is dead.....
    Any chance to repair it?
    My email:

  37. Hi Lowfinger,

    do you have a BOM of the PSU available?

    This would be very helpful to check the parts of my PSU....

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Hi Lowfinger,

    I need your help!.
    My MCI500 have lost its left speaker. When opening the unit I found that the glue around the capacitors have turned brown due to leaking capacitors??? My plan is to replace the myself. Do you think this will solve my problems?

    What are the grey components behind the capacitors marked "330" ? Do you think they needs to be replaced aswell?

    Here is a link to the photo:

    Thanx in advace!

    Kind Regards/ Lasse

    1. Hello Lasse,

      the black glue you can see is normal and not leaking from the capacitors, it is to reduce mechanical oscillation of those components. The capacitors (and inductors, marked 330) will be fine.

      I have seen two issues causing loss of sound. Blown amplifier chip, (NXP tda8932) I have successfully fixed several units with blown amp chips. The other is muting from the headphone jack, insert a jack in and out of the headphone connector and see if that makes any difference.


    2. Hi again and thank you for the very fast answer :)

      I have now tried to insert a jack in and out to the headphone connector whithout any succsses. I even tried to disconnected the cable from the headphone jack. This leaves me thinking that your suggestion regarding the amplifier chip is next on my troubleshooting list, but I need som additional help. Where do I find this chip in the MCI500 and do you have the possability to provide me with such an amplifier chip? (or is it some kind of "basic" part that I am supposed to find in a well-stocked store?)

      Once again - thanx a lot for your help !

      Regards/ Lasse

    3. ...please notice that only the left channel (speaker) is out of order...

    4. Hi Lasse,

      your welcome. The chips (there is one for each speaker) are under the black heatsink on the board you took the photo of.

      You can trace back from the speaker connector to the chip for that channel. Experience with surface mount soldering required.Obviously no guarantee it is the chip but for £6 worth a try.

      Possible to swap the two chips around if your de soldering skills are good but for the price and if you can wait I would get a new chip.

      The best place to purchase the chips is ebay. The chip in the unit is a TDA8932BT, I replaced with a TDA8932T.


  40. Today when I started the unit, the left speaker was dead but after a while it started to come music through the speaker. After another 10-15 seconds it was fading away again. Any suggestions what that could be? A bad soldering somewhere or could it still be a bad amplifier chip? Troubleshooting tips wanted :)

    Merry Christmas to you !


  41. Intermittent sound from the chip makes a faulty amp chip significantly less likely. Each amp chip has its own +30v supply, measure this on connector 1109, pin 1 = 30v amp1, pin 5 = 30v amp2, 2,3 & 4 are ground. Check this voltage to each chip.Good luck and have a happy christmas !

  42. Hi Lowfinger. I've seen your impressive posts. I have absolute no clue about electronics. I'm a typical mechanical guy. I've a Philips MCI500 with the same types of problems. When connected to the power grid the power button is just bright red. When disconnected and connected rapidly from the power grid a couple of times the button starts to flash. When disconnected again it keeps flashing for about 10 seconds and fades out. Everything else, but the CD-drive which is spinning up when unit is powered, is absolutely dead I'd hate to discard it because the problem probably is a 10 pence component. What would it cost me to bother you taking a look at the PSU? Best regards Peter, from Denmark

    1. Forgot to mention - the fan is spinning and it sound like the hard drive is spinning as well. Best regards Peter

  43. HI all,

    I have a problem with the MCI500H.

    A capacitor blown and i don't know the value.
    The reference is C206. A ceramique capacitor.
    Thank for your help.
    Christophe from France.

    1. Hi all,

      I have an MCi500h with the same problems. First one speaker went dead then the other and now it will not power on. I am in Dublin. I would be happy to pay to have it repaired. Any body repair this for me? Bob

    2. Perfect,

      Thank you Lowfinger.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. hello,
    I have a problem with a radio WACS 7500 (very close to the building MCI500 radio) I recovered: I have no sound on the speakers; I, however, well sound through the headphones when I plug the plug into the jack.

    do you know whence can the problem?

    when I dismounted, I've realized that the fan intake and subwoofer jack had been reversed (probably not via a predecessor attempted repair ....), I returned to normal without success : (:

    Is that incorrect handling could toast the power amp section (TDA 8932BT)? to something else?

    thank you for your help (I was able to repair the supply part in great part thanks to your help:-))

    best regards,

  46. Hy Lowfinger , i have one philips stremium mci500H , with power suplly dead . I want to send to you for fix it. Me mail its : for all deteails . Thx , i'm from Danemark.

  47. bonjour j ai moi aussi une chaine WACS7500 et son bouton ON clignote au rouge et je n ai plus rien a l ecran qui reste noir
    pouvez vous m orienter

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Hi Lowfinger,

    I have the same problem as described many times.The problem occured after a power shortage: When the power is plugged in, the display flashes white and the power button flashes red. It can't be turned on. Harddrive sounds like they are turning.

    Besides some Brown markings around the copper readiator there are no visual detects.

    Are you willing to repair it?

    Please contect me on

  50. Hello,

    I would like to replace the components R207, R206, Q002 and B0001 but I don't know their references.
    Can you give me them please?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Thank you very much, all these components are burned then I will see if it will fix the problem but I'm not very optimistic. How can I check voltages on connectors? Have you details on pins?

    2. Hi Julie,

      there is a manual to download here that gives voltages on connectors.

      In brief though, the molex connectors to the hdd and cd should both have 12v and 5v on them (middle two pins are ground). On the other smaller connectors if you measure every pin you should see somewhere, +5v, +12v, +9v and +30v, if they are all there things are looking good. These should all be present with no load / running it on the bench not fitted to the Streamium.

      Having repaired several with the components you list blown I would carefully check the SMPS driver chip that drives the mosfet that died, all diodes relating to that driver / mosfet. Good luck with it.


  51. good afternoon!
    Prompt please nominal zener diode ZD201
    Do you have a circuit of the power supply?
    link below with photos
    thank you !!!

  52. огромное спасибо !!!
    thank you so much !!!
    about rezulttatah announced later ...

  53. hi lowfinger
    I need your help. one month ago my mci500h was dead. so I brought it to the swiss service point of Philips. they told me, the part "Module SMPS MCi500H/05" is without function and this part is no longer available. awesome! :-(
    Can you help me? I have 5 days to go for my decision. pls send me a mail to:
    nice regards from zurich/Switzerland timo

  54. Hello.

    I'm another person with a dead PSU. Are you still doing the repairs?

    My email contact is UniversityOfTurmoil at Gmail dot com

    Thanks, Guy

  55. Hi Lowfinger,
    My Streamium has the same PSU symptoms. Can you please contact me and let me know if you could take a look/fix it for me? My contact details phildotcrankatgmaildotcom. Thank you, Phil

    1. Hi, I sent a message via google hangouts, if you don't get it let me know your email address and I will be in touch.

  56. Hi Lowfinger,

    I've a MCI500 and the same PSU symtoms. The red power LED is blinking and the system don't starts.

    I've measure the voltage at the connectors 1109 and 1108.
    The voltage at 1109 (AMP1_ and AMP_2) are 0V.
    Also the Voltage +12V +5V are not existing. The voltage +9V are swaying between 0-3V.

    Please can you help me.
    My e-mail adress is

  57. Hi Lowfinger, over the weekend my MCI500 has started to do the red power button and screen flash problem, I think there is a PSU problem, are you able to recommend the best way to get this looked at? email me on ccherbert at aol . com thanks

  58. Hello Lowfinger,
    I will tell something about my troubleshooting. I don't known why, but my measurements at the first step are wrong.
    All Voltages are ready exept the 9V ECO. So I measured at the PCB and there is been a mishap.
    I came out with the test prod. After that the ICE3B0565 and the ZD004 were definitely dead.
    I replaced both but it didn't work.
    I drew the complete secundary side of the 9V ECO. That takes many time and I found a harmless methode to check the function of this.
    But the problem was, I used a ZD with 18V. I measured the VCC at the ICE3B0565 = 17,64V.
    (Be careful if someone do that. I soldered 2 wires at the points without any power and after that I connect the measuring instrument and then I switch it on. So I don't must touch anything ( DC=308V!!!).
    Then I read the decription of the ICE3B0565. The VCC must be over 18V otherwise it don't starts.
    It's very importend that the voltage of the ZD004 is greater than 18V. I used for that a diode with 22V and than it works.

  59. Hi Lowfinger. My mci500h appears to have the dreaded PCU failure, red flashing light etc etc. Could you please contact me with a view to getting it repaired? My email is
    Many thanks. Dave.

  60. Hello j. Finaly i`ve found some time, to put everything together. Thank you very much! My MCI500H is running without any problems! :)
    regards from switzerland timo

  61. Hi lowfinger

    I have just had the same problem and was wondering whether you could possibly look at it for me,
    Would be grateful if you could email me

    Many thanks

  62. Hello Lowfinger

    I have a WAC700 Streamium which appears to have a dead power supply "philips 12nc 3141 078 00211" would it be possible for you to take a look at it please?


  63. Hi lowfinger

    I have just had the same problem and was wondering whether you could possibly look at it for me,
    Would be grateful if you could email me

  64. Hello Lowfinger and everybody

    I have a streamium mci8080/12 with a ps131-300-G0 PSU. The mci is dead, only the fan is spinning.
    So I checked the connectors first. I can measure Following volages at the connectors from above to bottom:
    CON2(30V,0V,0V,30V) CON5(5V,0V,12V,0V,9V) CON1(12V,0V,0V,0V,5V,9V,2V,0V,2V).
    So every voltage level seems to be available.
    Is there a connector which should have another voltage? Thank you very much for your help!

    1. I have to say those voltages sound all present and correct. Is this unit functional in any way / responsive to button presses ? I have seen dead displays.

    2. It doesn't react to the power button, neither to the remote control. The DVD eject button neither works. That's why I thought the power supply is the reason for the damage. Have you got any other idea? Thank you.

  65. Hello Lowfinger,
    congratulations, your blog is fantastic.
    I already repaired my MCi500H once, replacing all capacitors on the PSU.
    It worked, until last week, after a power failure. Now I only get the Philips-screen (seems to be a boot-loop). The voltages 30, 12, 5 and 9V are all present. Should I retry to replace all caps?
    Have you any suggestion?

    1. Cheers, a boot loop can be caused by a disconnected HDD, CD drive or wireless card, check they are all plugged in ok, I have come across a failed CD drive, the drive seemed fine and was plugged in ok but was in boot loop, swapped the CD drive and all ok, maybe try an old PC IDE CDROM drive if you have on to hand. It does sound like all voltages are ok.

    2. Thanks for your fast reply. i will try it and give you feedback. Strange is although, that this happened like in the first time, after a general power failure.

    3. Hello Lowfinger, Bingo! I did not believe, but you were right. I replaced the DVD-ROM
      and voilá, it works. It was tricky to adapt the front to my DVD-ROM, but with a cutter and a saw it worked. Thank you for your help. Bye!

    4. Your welcome, glad to hear you got it sorted !

  66. hello Lowfinger, could you please help me with my mci500, screen is flashing with no text at varrible speeds...sounds like the drive and fan comes

    1. just put everything back together...power on, hey presto....a very happy chappy, thanks very much for your help!!

  67. Hi lowfinger. Just at the in-laws and the unit was take. Outside for BBQ and since being moved back in it has developed the seemingly common blinking red light and.flickering screen. Could you get in touch with to discuss a quote etc if delivered to you from manchester thanks

  68. I too have the same issues. Can you please email me at Rachel to discuss a repair and quote.
    Thank you.

  69. Hi Lowfinger,
    My email address:
    Model of unit: Philip MCI500H/12
    The power supply (SMPS board) is completely dead (no flashing light etc.). The fault occurred after a mains power failure. If you are still offering a repair service, could you drop me a line and let me know a rough cost.
    many thanks

  70. Gul69 @ hotmail co uk

    Please could you email me so I can get my streamium repaired too! Thanks!

  71. Hi Lowfinger,
    My MCI500H/12 has started to do the red power button and screen flash problem. The fault occurred after a power failure.
    Can you please email me at to discuss a repair and quote.
    Thank you.

  72. Hi lowfinger
    Are you still fixing philip MCI500H as i have a red flashing light on my power button could you contact me at as i would like a quote please .Thank you

  73. Hi ,

    i have a different problem, when i apply power, the powerled is green, display is flashing and there is a ticking sound comming from the powersupply, i have a good 12 volt and a bad 5 volt is 2.23v for the harddrive/cd drive.

    the 5volt cd is 3.5 volt, 12volt cd is bad and the 12v eco is bad,

    31 volt is 5 volt en de 9volt is 5 volt.

    coud you give me some suggestions.

    Greetings Adriaan form Holland.

    1. Hello Adriaan,

      I would say have a look at the following components, switching IC's 101 & 102, and there associated discrete's, ZD201, D200, D103, Q001, Q002, R125, R102.

    2. Hi Lowfinger, I'm so thrilled as I found this blog. I have bought a WACS 7500 unit about 6 years ago I had so many issues with it reason...anyway. I have the problem you described. So i would like to kwow what are the references of components you have changed. Thank you

  74. Hi Lowfinger could you assist me with my MCI500H . The red light is flashing and would like a possible fix and what parts it could be . Terry @

  75. Hi people I just wanted to say I have managed to repair my unit with just a bit of solder .

  76. Hi Lowfinger!

    I have an MCI-300/12 and the same problem with the power button flashing red since couple of days ago. Any chance of contacting me? email:

  77. Hi lowfinger i have a wac7500 wireless station and its not turning on basically the eco standby goes flashing amber to flashing a red light and then screen keeps flashing i tried to see what the problem was but i couldnt get any help at all i hope you can sort me out cheers

  78. Hi lowfinger i have a wac7500 wireless station and its not turning on basically the eco standby goes flashing amber to flashing a red light and then screen keeps flashing i tried to see what the problem was but i couldnt get any help at all i hope you can sort me out cheers

  79. Hello !!!

    I looking for Mci500 hdd image. My unit only shows "Starting up .. Please wait" Anybody can halp me ??
    HDD is good only in first 2 partition are FF or 00.

    Best regards T.I.R.

  80. Hallo,
    there is a lot of knowhow at this Blog, bravo Lowfinger !
    Now my problem: in my MCI500 the IC101 has burnt out/exploded. I want to replace IC101. Can you Lowfinger or anyone else give the specifications of this IC ? What other components could be related to this problem. The MCI500 was completely dead after disconnecting the mains for a few minutes. I appreciate you answer very much, thanks, Peter

    1. Hi Peter,

      IC101 is a TL3845P, if it is blown there is a good chance that Q002 5n60c mosfet is blown also, possibly the input bridge rectifier and fuse, check all diodes on this switching circuit and the high power resistors for open circuit too. Good luck.

  81. Hello !!!

    Can anybody helps me to launch this MCI500 ??


  82. Lowfinger thanks, you answer is very helpfull, Peter

  83. Hi,

    My mci500h has an intermittent speaker channel - sound occasionally coming back through the channel for 5 seconds or so and then cutting off again. Swapped speakers and it is the same port that is dropping. Working fine through the headphone jack.

    Does this sound like a PSU issue to you? I assume it's unlikely to be the amp chip as it's intermittent (but mostly not working).


  84. Hi Chris,

    the ones I have seen with speaker problems on one channel have been related to the headphone jack muting. Try inserting and removing a jack plug many times when the fault is present and see if it influences the issue at all.

    It does sound like you may have tried that to some degree.

    I have not seen the common PSU issues influence the sound, the two amplifier chips each have their own 30v supply, it is not impossible that one supply is bad but I have only seen less common issues affect both supplies.

  85. Hi all, same problem here with a MCI500H, red flashing power led. Replaced all capacitors on the PSU. That fixes the problem for me. A german online store sells replacement capacitor specially for the PSU. Search for "kingwall ps131-300"

  86. Hi Lowfinger,

    I'm another MCI500H user with faulty PSU.... :-(
    Device is almost totally dead. No screen flashing, etc. Power btn is red but it switches to green after pressing.
    Voltages are:
    CON1 (1008): 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9.0, 2.9, 3.1, 0
    CON2 (1009): 7.8, 0, 0, 0, 7.8
    CON3, CON4 (DVD,HDD): 0,0,0,0
    CON5: 0, 0, 0, 0, 9

    I can hear strange buzz from one of transformers (not h 50Hz buzz, its around 5Hz)

    I already replaced all electrolytic capacitors, but without luck :(

    Any ideas what I should replace next?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi, input fuse, bridge and 9v eco circuit look ok but you are missing the dual 30v for the amp, 12v and 5v for the drives. So the ICE3B switching chip looks ok (the one with the brass heatsink mounted on top) but one or both of the TL3845 switching IC's has a problem, check the mosfets on the heatsink that these chips drive for shorts, the chips themselves, also all diodes associated with these IC's. Also check the high wattage resistors that are in heat shrink for open circuit.
      Good luck.

    2. Hi Lowfinger,
      Thanks for you help.
      I replaced both TL3845 and 5n60c.
      I've seen a 12V for while, but then... I accidentally shorted something and now I see that first 5n60c (Q001) is dead and D103 and ZD101 (and probably other few parts :-(

      Do you know what is the Zener voltage for ZD101?

    3. Hi Rafal,

      in use on a working power supply ZD101 has 13.94v across it. I cannot give an exact value but that should help select something suitable.

  87. Hi Lowfinger,

    I have faulty PSU on MCI500H. Device is dead, there is red light flashing on the power button. When I tested PSU, I checked the voltages and I only have fluctuating 3VDC on CON5 and CON1.
    Can you advise what to check in order to get it repaired? Would you have PSU schematic by any chance or is it possible to ship it over to you to get it repaired?



    1. Hi Ray,

      if you let me know your email I can take a look at it for you. Unfortunately there are no schematics available for the PSU. The service manual is excellent but just shows the PSU as a block diagram as they subcontracted it out.

    2. Hi Lowfinger,

      I tested few components and they seems to be faulty:
      R106, R108, IC101 on the right - there is brown burning mark around IC101.
      There could be more parts faulty so it will be worth to check by a professional like yourself. Can you provide me with details what would be a cost (around) where can I send this unit - I live in ireland.
      my e-mail:



    3. Another happy client, thanks for repair Lowfinger.



  88. Hi Lowfinger,

    is it possible to test for a blown tda8932 with a multimeter only, or would I need an oscilloscope?

    Best regards,

  89. Hi Lowfinger,

    do you still offer your repair skills? I need them since the PSU of my MCI500 is broken too. Could you please contact me using (kannst Deutsch schreiben) :)

    Thanks in advance,


  90. Hello, after replacing all capacitor on the psu the mci500h is working for a few days. Now i have the problem with a non working left speaker. Connector with 2x 30 Volt ok. I replaced also the TDA 8932BT. Same problem. I have only a cheap multimeter but i can measure a 10 Volt dc Output or 20 Volt ac Output on the speaker connector. Right speaker ok. What can i do next?

  91. Hi Lowfinger,

    Same problem as many above these lines. Power button blinking red, it happened the night after we had a power outage at home in a storm. I have access to decent electronics equipment and supplies at my company but I don't have much hands down experience repairing this kind of things. So the question is, is it simple? How much are the repair components worth? Well, as you see, wondering if it is worth repairing all along. Thanks in advance. Ania and Jorge

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Hello, please give value kondesatorów kupłem damaged mic300 Electrolytic Capacitors on power supply board C402 C401 C311 C319 C307 C301 C304 C302 PS131-300-A1

    1. Ok, here are the values I can tell you for now.

      C401 680uf 16v
      C402 220uf 10v
      C311 680uf 35v (cap touching this one is 1500uf 16v)
      C319 330uf 35v

      I will try and get the rest.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Hi AC gets the problem still is with the voice sometimes turns right speaker mentioned NXP tda8932bt to new effect the same I'm thinking of
    TDA7468D if he has no such problems. You had a problem with the stick that no one reads?

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. here is the link audio recordingsłos+001.m4a

  97. Hi Lowfinger, just took the front panel off my WAC700 as the down button was intermittent, checked this out and put back together. However now will not turn on when plugged in was working ok before. Any ideas.. email. Will re strip down again in morning, but all cables between body and front seemed in place when put back together so at a loss why there appears no power at all to the machine.

  98. Hiya Lowfinger,
    I've had a defective Philips WAC 700 for months now that wouldn't boot anymore. Never found the reason for that until I got the chance to buy a used second WAC 700. That's a used device that produces an oscillating sound as soon as it's connected to the mains. After cross-changing parts of the two WAC 700 I finally think they're both having defective power units (3141 078 00211). I have opended both power units, but I haven't found anything obvious like defective capacitors or burn marks.
    Have you got the time and energy to look at those power units or can you explain how to check the units systematically, please?

    1. Hello,

      I have repaired WAC700 supplies before and would be able to take a look at them for you. Let me know your email and I will get in touch.



    2. Thanks for the quick reply and the help you offer.
      Email is

      Best wishes,

  99. Hi, I have the same problem with the PSU of my MCI500H. Would you be interested in having a look at it? If you agree, please email me. Best regards
    cycochris at outlook dot fr

  100. Hi there,
    I have a Streamium was7500 and usb doesn't work. I have disassembled and I see a component (with 4pines) connected to data+ and data- that seems burned.
    Do you know what component it is? Should be a protection component, right?

    Thanks in advance

    1. I solved. The problem was a DLW31S (suppression filter)

  101. Hi, if you're still doing the mci500h repair (power button blinking red) could you please contact me? johan dot alva at gmail dot com Thank you!

  102. hello lowfinger my mci is in the sameway dead can you gife me part specs. so i can try to repair it thanks

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Lowfinger can you contact me .mci500 red power button just flashes then the screen flashes . Can u quote to fix please rugby england 

  105. . I need your address again . Also instructiobs on how to remove all thr black cables at the top of the psu .

  106. Hi Lowfinger
    I have 2 of the streamium 7500 stations which are both suffering similar issues - very slow or even no response. Basically the units are not controllable but if you can get the right functions selected they work ok. Looking around this seems to be a power supply issue. Would you be able to offer a repair service for these units? I am in the uk. My email is Many thanks in advance. Rob.

  107. Hi Lowfinger!

    Are you still offering repair services for these? My friend has asked me to look at their MCi500H/05 which is dead when you try to power it up. They have actually asked if it's possible to retrieve the songs from the hard disk rather than repair the unit, but from what I found out it may be simplest to repair first and then copy if all the song information is to travel with the mp3 files. Anyway I have helped people with their PC's before but with this one I am out of my depth - if you are able to have a look please email me Rew Francis

  108. hello all, my MCI500H is dead, know how to read the hard disk directly on PC? At Home I unable to read it. An idea? A solution? It's possible. How to recover all my music ?

  109. Solved so if you want to recover all your music and read the mci500h on your pc you must do this:
    Install a linux distribution (ubuntu, pclos, arch ....)
    When you connect your hdd you can not acces.
    Open a terminal (my partition is hdj6)
    use this commande:
    sudo fsck /dev/sdj6
    you have this message:
    fsck from util-linux 2.27.1
    e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
    /dev/sdh6: recovering journal
    /dev/sdh6 contains a file system with errors, check forced.
    Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
    Pass 2: Checking directory structure
    Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
    Pass 4: Checking reference counts
    Pass 5: Checking group summary information
    /dev/sdh6: 3477/19251200 files (21.5% non-contiguous), 3457693/38483699 blocks

    then use this commande:
    sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdj6
    use yes to rewrite.... and YES I can read my hard drive!

    Now I use kodi (xbmc) on a laptop, yes so cool !

    1. Great, good info and glad you got sorted. The disk can also be accessed within Windows from some disk tools such as Winhex or Restorer ultimate. If you want your MCI500h repaired just drop me a line. Also if you were considering throwing it away I would be interested in it for parts !

  110. Would that window access allow me to restore the systems operating files I upgraded with the wrong system firmware some time ago and it never worked since

  111. If the 'firmware' has written to flash memory on the main board then probably not, if it has just made a mess of what is on the HDD then I have a disk image of a working system you can use. Drop me an email if you want to give it a try.

    1. I'm not sure to be honest unfortunately I think the firmware completed really frustrating as it worked fine untill I did it, the dangers of amatuer !

  112. Hello,
    i just moved my MCi500H to a new location. I had it just plugged in and turned of for a long time, but when i moved it, the stereo system wasnt turning on. So i opened it and looked at the power adapter and saw a black marker on there. seems like one or two component went to heaven.
    Is there any possibility to get it fixxed or buy a new power supply?
    I hope that you will answer me soon, because its a very nice stereo system. I would like to get it back working again.

    Thanks for everything and have a nice day,

    1. Hello Heenne,

      I can take a look at the power supply for you. Let me know your email and I will get in touch.

    2. Thanks for your quick answer, but i havent reseived any email by you. Do you have any spelling mistakes in my email adress?

  113. Hi do you still offer a repair 'service' for Kingwall PS131-300-B0 power supplies?


  114. Hi Lowrider.
    Help required, have 2 WAC3500s one kitchen one garage, one has flashing power light, the other has constant red light, no display, disc sometimes fires up but unit us. can you contact me and let me know about you fixing them? currently have flashing red light unit stripped, just need to disconnect all the plugs for sending.

  115. Hello,
    My Philips
    model: MCi500H / 12
    supply card default
    Type : PS131-300 - E0
    you can take contact ?


  116. Hi,
    i've been repairing one of these for a friend. The unit did not power on. I managed to find a donor unit with a working PSU on ebay. The unit now powers on but the display has no text or menu options. I think the the file system may have been coruupted during the PSU failure. Would you be able to supply me with an image of a working unit that I could write to a new HDD. Some idea of cost involved would be useful as well.

    1. Perhaps I should also have added that the device cannot be seen on the network and cannot be connected to via the Phillips Software.
      I have also done a resetto the system, but nothing changes.

  117. Hi lowfinger
    I have an mci500h/05 that has a blank screen and is making noises and I can hear the fan, can you have a look please and what is your address so I can send it to you.
    My email is
    Thank you.

  118. Glad to hear you are further on. I would say it sounds like some dry joint or failing component on your RH amp circuit, if it is 5017 (inductor?) I would say swap it with the one fron the LH amp circut and see what happens. The D class amp chips are quite fussy, there are a lot of small SMD component that must be just right to run the amp. Failing that change the amp chip. Good luck.

    1. Thanks Low Finger !
      So, right now, I am a bit confused : as you suggested to swap Left & Right, I've just begun to swap 30v +Amp_1 with +Amp_2 (pin 1 & 5 on the 1109 connector). As a result, there's no more trouble with any of the speakers !? Maybe some component from right AMP can no more do filtering or protect correctly an random power coming from SMPS, but left AMP components can do it better ? Pretty strange, no ? Anyway, the good news is that my MCI500h is working again...

  119. Lowfinger hello, ask for help. I'm from Russia. my model MCI900/12. button does not light up. the display is off. 9 volts ok. where the problem? My email please help

  120. Hello everybody,
    Is it possible to use the MCi8080 without a hard drive? Where can I download the image of hard drive?

  121. Hi Lowfinger, my Streamium is still operating like a boss since your PSU repair. Sadly it's working on one channel only. Would you be able to take a look and restore stereo please? Regards, Phil

  122. Hi Lowfinger,
    I did a Firmware RESET on my MCI500H/05 and it has been able to reboot since. The standby button goes green for 20 secs when connected to power then goes red for a split of second. It does not even respond to any push on the standby button.
    Do you have any idea why that is? It was working fine before the Firmware Reset.

    1. Hi,

      My unit seems to have the same problem, although I never tried a Firmware Reset. Please let me know if you find anything out. How did you do the reset?


  123. Hi Lowfinger,

    My MCI500H/05 has the same problem described by some people above: the screen is blinking as well as the standby button. My email is misha033 @ gmail .com, can you contact me with the details of the repair that you offer?

  124. Hi Lowfinger,
    as my MCI500 is showing same failure I would need a repair. Since I am unable to do it by myself I wanted to ask you if you could do this. Paid for sure...

    please email me :

    would be great to hear from you!

    Viele Grüße,

  125. Hallo . i now repair my PSU you help me?? i need k'now what is resistance of R120 and R118 (my is burned :()

  126. Hi Lowfinger do you have a circuit diagram for this psu?

    1. Hi Ian, unfortunately there is no circuit diagram available that I know of for the power supply.

    2. Incidently can you give me any pointers as to the voltages on the pcb to make it any easier to locate which area I should be looking at.

    3. Hi Ian, the MCI500 manual on Elektrotanya can help with what voltages should be there but basically on the black cables you should have a 5v,9v,12v&30v.

  127. Thanks anyway, just have to keep working through it. Surprisingly all the electrolytics appear ok.

  128. Hi Lowfinger,

    I have replaced the capacitors on the PSU yesterday and my daugthers MCI500h started up fine after that. Then, after a few minutes playing music, the right chanel first sounded like there was a loose connection and then completely stopped working. The left chanel still is fine...
    Any idea what might cause that? I will dissasemble it the next days, but I am not shure if this again might be a power supply problem or simply now something with the amp broke... :-(

    Thanks an greetings from Cologne,
