Ok the HD2 returned along with a new flex cable assembly to be fitted, it was a pulled part but not to be sniffed at for £30.
The familiar dissassembly started !
I thook a clear picture just before going for it to use as a referance for the rebuild later, this proved very useful for cable routing.
I returned to the official strip down video and just generally took the time to make note of exactly where everything went, it was actually a lot easier than I imagined, just need to take your time. Here is a pic with the faulty flex assembly now gone !
The new flex assembly went in a treat, trickiest bit is keeping the GPS antenna on the bottom of the board and getting the volume part of the flex under the cable run for the antennas.
All back together and the phone was fully functional again, finally !
To get htc repair service in mumbai visit - http://acmatech.com/htc-repairs/