This microwave was not heating food, cutting out after about 10 - 20 seconds.
Trying to use it, all would sound normal for a couple of seconds but then there was a buzzing arcing sound and relays would start to click and finally the microwave would stop and the timer reset itself.
There was some information on the web about Panasonic microwaves showing error codes but it was showing nothing after it cut out.
The microwave was opened up and (carefully) run with the cover off to see if the arcing was visible, possibly see something else ? On initial inspection nothing could be seen, just the original symptoms heard.
The microwave lamp comes on with the power and was making it hard to what may have been arcing so that was disconnected.
I still couldn't see anything so decided to power off and just have a look at the magnetron, there was talk on the web of seeing the magnet had cracked, I could measure the filament too.
Well upon removal I was a bit shocked, the side of the magnetron that could not be seen with it in place looked like this....
Hmm, that doesn't look right ! It looks like it got a bit hot !
Inspecting the rear air vent it was totally blocked with grease and fluff. The picture is after I started to clean it.
So a new magnetron was ordered off ebay, only £28 (cheapest local shop wanted £60).
Here it is next to the old one. All the adverts on ebay say the new one is a genuine Panasonic item sourced from Panasonic direct, just not branded because they are used in many brands of microwave for rivals ? No way to be sure.
In it went and all working again. :-)