A DVD player that would not power up, just a flickering red standby light.
A close inspection revealed a bulged capacitor. A chance to use the ESR meter in circuit, it confirmed the capacitor was bad.
Component out, definitely gone.
New capacitor in and it was working again.
People are always asking me to fix things, which isn't a bad thing as I love fixing things ! The web is such a valuable resource, a diagram, sourcing a part, finding out 10000 other people all had the same fault and there is a fix for it ! I started my blog so that other people may see a fix for their problem or provide some inspiration !
Friday, 3 February 2012
Sky + faulty power supply.
A Sky+ box stuck with a red light, would not power up.
The output capacitors were bulged and replaced but still no boot up. The main input capacitor looked visually ok but was checked with an ESR meter, it did not register a capacitance or a resistance ! totally shot.
New one in (circled below) and the machine was working again.
The output capacitors were bulged and replaced but still no boot up. The main input capacitor looked visually ok but was checked with an ESR meter, it did not register a capacitance or a resistance ! totally shot.
New one in (circled below) and the machine was working again.