A transformer from a shower pump, no output.
Opened it up and check of the windings showed the input was open circuit. Close inspection showed a thermal fuse taped to the winding, it was open circuit.
A new fuse was selected, original was 150, replacement to hand was 135, I was confident this would be fine and the cause of the fuse going was age related fatigue and not a genuine fail. The transformer smelt fine and ran fine afterwards. The new fuse was taped back onto the windings with transformer tape.
The input selector switch routed the mains to one of three tappings. I measured the ac output at the three settings, from memory they were ~30vac, 35vac and 40vac (possibly the 45 in the model number is 45 volt max ?).
People are always asking me to fix things, which isn't a bad thing as I love fixing things ! The web is such a valuable resource, a diagram, sourcing a part, finding out 10000 other people all had the same fault and there is a fix for it ! I started my blog so that other people may see a fix for their problem or provide some inspiration !
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Hitachi VNR10C209 LCD backlight inverter faulty.
A faulty backlight in an industrial lcd touchscreen.
The inverter board was a seperate PCB, a quick check of the thermal fuses showed that one had gone. A nice easy fix but not an immediately obvious one, I had not seen an inverter with this protection before.
In the picture you can see the top fuse I had replaced and the bottom one is the factory fit.
Both replaced, the lower one is not bonded to the transistor yet.
I stuck them down with silicon sealant (weighted down until set), fine at these temperatures.
The fuses were 115 degrees. On soak test the chips it was bonded to never got above 40 degrees so I am putting this one down to age fatigue on the thermal fuse, not uncommon in my experiance.
The inverter board was a seperate PCB, a quick check of the thermal fuses showed that one had gone. A nice easy fix but not an immediately obvious one, I had not seen an inverter with this protection before.
In the picture you can see the top fuse I had replaced and the bottom one is the factory fit.
Both replaced, the lower one is not bonded to the transistor yet.
I stuck them down with silicon sealant (weighted down until set), fine at these temperatures.
The fuses were 115 degrees. On soak test the chips it was bonded to never got above 40 degrees so I am putting this one down to age fatigue on the thermal fuse, not uncommon in my experiance.